IQ2000 NHPB Detection and Prevention System

Necrotizing hepatopancreatitis bacteria (NHPB) is a bacterial disease which targets penaeid shrimp. NHPB was originally identified in 1990 in cultured Litopenaeus vannamei in Texas, USA. The disease has now been reported in several locations throughout the Western hemisphere. NHPB can result in significant production losses, with mortality losses ranging from 20% to 95% within 30 days of an outbreak.
NHPB is a Gram-negative, pleomorphic, intracellular, rickettsia-like bacterium. The disease is not transmitted vertically.
GeneReach has developed a highly sensitive detection system - IQ2000™ NHPB Detection and Prevention System. This system has adopted the design of nested PCR and can differentiate infected shrimps into three levels: severe, medium and light.

  •  ■ Packing size: 200 reactions.
  •  ■ Detection Limit: 10 copies/reaction.
  •  ■ Quantitative capability: 4 different levels of infection can be differentiated.
  •  ■ Sample throughput: for 40 samples, from sample preparation to final results require 4.5 to 5 hours.
  •  ■ Built-in internal control system: eliminate false negative results from failed extraction or reaction.
  •  ■ Quantified positive standard: monitor the sensitivity of detection.
  •  ■ Adaptable to the Uni-IQ RT-PCR profile, suitable for multi-viral diagnosis.

An example of the results is shown and explained below:

  • Lane 1: NHPB P(+) standard, 2,000 copies/reaction
  • Lane 2: NHPB P(+) standard, 200 copies/reaction
  • Lane 3: NHPB P(+) standard, 20 copies/reaction
  • Lane 4: Negative control (yeast tRNA or ddH2O)
  • Lane 5: Sample of severe NHPB infection
  • Lane 6: Sample of moderate NHPB infection
  • Lane 7: Sample of light NHPB infection
  • Lane 8: Sample of very light NHPB infection
  • Lane 9: NHPB negative sample
  • Lane M: Molecular weight markers, 848 bp, 630 bp, 333 bp

  • This reagent is intended for testing fresh, frozen, and ethanol-preserved samples, e.g. broodstock’s feces, hepatopancreas and PL.
  • Ideal for the specific pathogen-free (SPF) animal selection, evaluation of culture environment, grow-out monitoring, and quarantine service.